Dog and waste bins 

While the Parish Council believes it is the responsibility of dog owners to clear up and take home the mess caused by their animals, some dog bins are provided as a convenience to dog walkers. The dog and waste bins are emptied weekly by an outside contractor, if there are issues with these bins please contact us
You can collect free dog poo bags from the Parish Council Offices if you are a resident of the parish. 
Shenley Church End Parish Council 
The Cartshed 
19A, Shenley Road 
Shenley Church End 
MK5 6AB 
Our offices are generally open 10:00 to 16:00, Monday to Friday. 
During these times the office may be closed without notice so we recommend you call before visiting. 
01908 502808  

Shenley Church End 

1: Daubeney Gate 
2: Engaine Drive 
3: Engaine Drive 
4: Burchard Crescent 
5: Oakhill Road 
6&7: Aldwycks Close 
8: Holy Thorn Lane 
9: Holy Thorn Lane 
10: Pigott Drive 
11: Stafford Grove 
12: Selby Grove 
13: Shenley Road 
32: Oakhill Close 


38: Redding Grove 
39: Redding Grove 
40: Hendrix Drive 
41: Hendrix Drive 
42: Lennon Drive 
43: Rathbone Close/Playing Fields 
44: Marley Grove/Playing Fields 


25: Vernier Crescent/Sorenson 
26: Medbourne Pavilion 
28: Vernier Crescent 
30: Pascal Drive 
Shenley Wood 
14: Wildacre Road 
15: Chalkdell Road 
16: Foxcovert Road 
17: Shenley Wood car park 

Oxley Park 

18: Sinatra Drive 
19: Hepburn Crescent 
20: Merman Rise 
21: Niven Lane 
22: Linear Park/Holden Avenue 
23: Wannamaker Garden 
24: Heston Walk 


27: Otterburn Crescent 
29: Otterburn Crescent 
Grange Farm 
31: Singleton Drive 
33: Nicholson Grove 
34: Wickstead Avenue 
35: Hayman Rise footpath 
36: Singleton Drive 
37: Ashford Crescent