Parish Council News 

Here you can find information for news on projects that the Parish Council are directly involved with:  

MK Can 

A massive thank you to everyone who donated a can to our MK can atempt. We collected over 800 cans in total and were able to donate 332 straight to the MK Food Bank from donations from Mini Monsters Preschool and The Church of God of Phophect alone! 
MK Can was a huge sucess and the Food Bank managed to break the record with an amazing 102,447 cans in total. 

Meeting and events 

The parish council organises meetings and events for residents to attend and find out more about local matters or to have their say. 

Play areas across the parish 

We have been working closely with Milton Keynes City Council improve some of the play areas across the parish.  
This has included consultations with local residents, helping fund projects, and even running competitions for children in the area to show us what they want to see in their play areas. 
Our Rangers also check the play areas across the parish on a regular basis and feedback any concerns to Milton Keynes City Council. 

A new play area in Oakhill  

After residents contacted both Milton Keynes City Council and the Parish Council to see if it was possible to have a play area in Oakhill, we worked along side MKCC to find a site in Oakhill that would be suitable for a new play area. 
The parish council then set up a consultation and contacted residents in the area directly to gather their views on the project and what they would ideally want the design to be. After receiving some great feedback we sent the results to MKCC to help them create the best design for the area. 
The play area was opened on 18 July 2022 and students from the local school attended to try it out to great success! 

Funding for Oxley Park 

The Parish Council provided some funding to MKCC to have the exercise equipment and additional items installed in the play areas on Harlow Crescent and Charisse Gardens. 
The funding was granted to us only for the provision of facilities in Oxley Park and it was fantastic to have the opportunity to finally get this in place.  
The items included a new table tennis table and table football equipment and which were installed in late 2022. 

Replacing the play area in Pigott Drive, Shenley Church End 

Milton Keynes City Council had secured some funding to update some of the equipment in the play area on Pigott Drive behind Glastonbury Thorn School. This area has been gradually deteriorating as it has not been possible to find similar replacement parts for some of the equipment and was in much need of improvements. 
We ran a competition in Summer 2021 to get ideas from the young people that use the area of what they would like to see. We had hundreds of entries, and there were so many imaginative, colourful and thoughtful designs. The most commonly asked for piece of equipment was a zip line, so we definitley made sure that MKCC included this in their designs!! 
Some of the suggestions, whilst excellent, could not be incorporated for a number of reasons, but there was a theme about being helpful and looking after the environment so this is something that MKCC have tried to incorporate within the design. 
The entries were shortlisted and split into categories of 6 and under and 7 and over with 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes winners being picked by the parish councillors. 
A big congratulations to the winners, and we'd like to thank everybody who entered. All your ideas and feedback have helped to shape the play area into something that can be enjoyed for years to come. 
We are currently waiting for the equipment to be delivered and we're looking forward to seeing the project finalised. 
You can see the plans here(opens in new tab): 

Replacing play equipment at Lipscomb Lane, Shenley Church End 

In 2022 the play area at Lipscomb Lane had been identified as reaching the end of its life, so the parish council applied for funding and was awarded a grant to cover 50% costs for work to replace this area. The parish council will be covering the remaining 50% of the costs. 
We then asked users of the play area for suggestions on improvements that could be put forward to MKCC. The ideas were then shared with MKCC and they came up with equipment plans that would provide some of the improvements suggested. 
It was not possible to take on board all the suggestions but there will be a new open multiplay unit, basket swing, agility trail and a You & Me swing. The equipment has been ordered and the work on the area should be completed by Spring 2023. 
You can see their plans here: 
(Opens in new tab) 

Nelson Close, Crownhill 

We have recently asked local residents near the play area at Nelson Close to provide some feedback on the area. 
The area was identified as needing some essential works on it and we wanted the opinion of the local residents of what they wanted to see improved. 
A big thank you to everyone that took the time to answer some questions about the play area. 
All the responses, suggestions and concerns have been shared with MKCC and the relevant Officers are seeking permission to tender. 
Once granted, tenders will be sought and then MKCC will need to source a grant to fund the work. It won’t be a quick piece of work, but we will keep checking in to see what stage the process is at. 

Refreshing the equipment at Holy Thorn Lane, Shenley Church End 

We've been in discussion with MKCC for some time about refurbishing the play area at Holy Thorn Lane, also known as the Glastonbury Thorn play area. 
We're happy to say that they have recently agreed that work will be carried out, including adding some new features to the area. 
You can see their plans here: