Meet the Parish Council 

The Parish is currently broken into 5 wards (An administrative division of an area made by the local authority) and each councillor is allocated a specific ward when they are elected or co-opted to the council.  
The wards within the parish and the number of councillors allocated to each ward are advised to us by Milton Keynes Council. 


Pooja Agarwal
Amardeep Sehgal 
Pooja Agarwal

Could this be you? 

If you are interested in becoming a councillor click below: 
Pooja Agarwal

Could this be you? 

If you are interested in becoming a councillor click below: 
Pooja Agarwal

Could this be you? 

If you are interested in becoming a councillor click below: 

Grange Farm & Hazeley 

Pooja Agarwal

Could this be you? 

If you are interested in becoming a councillor click below: 
Steve Weller Photo
Steve Weller 

Shenley Wood 

Including Medbourne and Oakhill 
David Tunney Photo
David Tunney 
Bethan Norfor Photo
Bethan Norfor 

Oxley Park 

Shaffiq Boston Photo
Shaffiq Bostan 
Pooja Agarwal
Pam Loose 
Geetha Morla Photo
Geetha Morla 
Pooja Agarwal
Peter Loose 

Shenley Church End 

Ken Brewis Photo
Ken Brewis 
Pooja Agarwal
Ekkehard Thumm 
Christina Johnson Photo
Christina Johnson 
Vice Chair 
Pooja Agarwal

Could this be you? 

If you are interested in becoming a councillor click below: